Instructions for products concerning non porous surfaces
The instructions recorded here concern the use of all materials aimed at non-porous surfaces such as: Glass, car paint, plastic, porcelain coke. These are the:BRM Nano-Felgenprotect, Nano Premiumglass, Nano-Paintprotect, Nano-Bathcare, Nano-Diamond(see clarifications), Nano-Stainless Steel, Nano-Plastic, CSC-4(see special instructions in "clarifications").
1. Make sure the application surface is clean and dry
2. Spray the surface evenly with BRM Preclean and wipe with a non absorbent cloth to thoroughly clean it
3. Once the surface is dry from Preclean, spray the nanotechnology product evenly from about 30cm and wipe with gentle circular movements with a non-absorbent (eg linen) cloth.
4. After application, the surface acquires hydrophobic properties which, however, take about 24 hours to fully develop.
- ForCSC-4after steps 1&2, spread the material on the surface and spread it with a spreader
- The recommended way of applying Nano-Diamond after general steps 1&2 is as follows: a) Open the bottle b) From the open hole, soak a cloth c) Spread the material with the soaked cloth over an area of 30cmX30cm on the surface d) With spread a dry cloth in circular motions until you see the surface shining. e) We repeat at another point.
- For all products aimed at car or engine color (ie: Nano-Paintprotect, Nano-Diamond, CSC-4) we make sure the paint is in good condition. In general, the above products as a whole contain alcohol and should not be applied to surfaces that CANNOT tolerate alcohol. If there is any doubt about the surface on which we want to make the application, we first test it on a small discreet spot.
- About Nano-Diamond:If there are scratches and other imperfections these must be corrected before applying the material because otherwise the repair will be difficult since Nano-Diamond can only be removed from the surface with a sander.
- Products for non-absorbent surfaces contain alcohol. Keep away from sources of fire or heat. Keep away from children. When applying them, it is legitimate for the user to wear a protective mask, gloves and special glasses.